Crossing Space and Making Boundaries:
Anthropological Perspectives
6/30/2009 14:00 – 16:00
Title: Contesting Boundaries: Gender, Religion, and Violence in southern Thailand
Speaker: Saroja Dorairajoo (Assistant Professor, CUHK)
Respondent與談人: 沈秀華 (Hsiu-hua Shen) (Assistant Professor of Sociology, National Tsing Hua University) (助理教授, 清大社會所)
7/1/2009 12:00 – 14:00
Chair: (TBA)
1. HUANG, C. Julia(黃倩玉,副教授,清大人類所)
Affiliation: Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Title of Paper: Between Family and Intimacy: Transnational Marriages between Vietnamese and Taiwanese
2. WU, Keping (吳科萍,助理教授,香港中文大學)
Affiliation: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title of Paper: Pilgrims/Tourists: Women’s Sacred Journeys in Contemporary China
3. LIU, Lucia Huwy-Min(博士候選人,Boston University)
Affiliation: Boston University
Title of Paper: Motion of Modernity: Railroads as the Threshold of Nationalism in China
4. LIU, Yong-fen(劉詠芬,碩士生,清大人類所)
Affiliation: Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Title of Paper: Consuming Space and Making Meanings: Long-stay Locals of Global Hostels in Shanghai
Discussants: 評論人
u Robert P. Weller (Professor of Anthropology, Boston University) (教授,Boston University)
u 許瀞文Ching-wen Hsu (Assistant Professor of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University) (助理教授, 清大人類所)
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